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ekaterina bee

wildlife and nature enthusiast

Ekaterina è nata a Torino e da poco ha compiuto 11 anni. Fin da piccola ha seguito suo papà Alessandro in viaggi naturalistici e fotografici.


Ekaterina ha vinto il primo premio nella categoria "10 years and under", al celebre e prestigioso concorso internazionale Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY53), del Natural History Museum di Londra, con la sua fotografia "In the grip of the gulls".


Ama gli animali, i viaggi, le scienze, l'antico Egitto, gli scacchi, la natura selvaggia e i documentari.

Da grande vorrebbe fare la biologa. Le piacciono molto i rapaci, in particolare i falchi e il piccolo assiolo. Ha un gatto di nome Briciola.

ekaterina bee

wildlife and nature enthusiast

Ekaterina was born in Turin and has just turned 11 years old. Since she was just a child Ekaterina followed her dad Alessandro on wildlife and photographic trips.


She  was awarded as Winner of the "10 Years and Under" category of longest-running and most prestigious nature photography competition, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY53), run by Natural History Museum of London, with her photograph "In the grip of the gulls".


She loves animals, travelling, science, ancient Egypt, chess, wild nature and documentaries. When she grows up she would like to be a biologist. She loves birds of prey, especially hawks and the little scops owl. She has a cat named Briciola.

Ekaterina Bee, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Natural History Museum, London, NHM, WPY, Award, under 10 years, winner, in the grip of the gulls

Ekaterina awarded at Natural History Museum of London

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