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a subarctic archipelago

photos by Alessandro Bee

videos by Ekaterina Bee and Tatiana Kondakova

FÆR ØER, Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee

Le Fær Øer sono un luogo selvaggio e incontaminato, in cui si percepisce fortemente la bellezza e la forza della natura. Molte case tradizionali hanno i tetti coperti di erba e, girovagando tra loro, sembra di muoversi in una saga senza tempo,ambientata nelle isole del Mare del nord...

The Fær Øer are a wild and unspoiled place, where the beauty and strength of nature is strongly perceived. Many traditional houses have grass-covered roofs and, wandering among them, it seems to move in a timeless saga, set in the islands of the North Sea...

FÆR ØER, Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee

"Girovagare per le Fær Øer è spettacolare, per me sono simili all'Islanda ma allo stesso tempo molto diverse. Mi è piaciuto tanto andare in auto per le strade quasi vuote e incontrare cittadine piccole e diverse tra loro. Ed era bellissimo fare passeggiate, incontrare tante pecore e camminare sulla sabbia nera".

(Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"Wandering in the Fær Øer is spectacular, for me they are similar to Iceland but at the same time very different. I loved going by car through the almost empty streets and meeting small and different towns. And it was great to go for walks, meet many sheep and walk on black sand".

(Ekaterina Bee)

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FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"La leggenda della donna foca dell'isola di Kalsoy la sapevo ancora prima di partire per il viaggio. Mi aveva affascinato e desideravo tanto vedere la sua statua nel villaggio di Mikladalur.


Siamo riusciti a prendere l’ultimo battello per l'isola di Kalsoy. Ci tenevo tanto ed era una delle mie mete del viaggio. Lì ho poi preso un bellissimo maglione di lana e una statuetta della donna-foca per ricordarmi di quel posto per me speciale". (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"I knew the legend of the seal woman on the island of Kalsoy before leaving for the trip. She had fascinated me and I really wanted to see her statue in the village of Mikladalur.


We managed to take the last boat to Kalsoy island. I really wanted it and it was one of my travel destinations. There I bought a beautiful wool sweater and a seal-woman figurine to remind me of that special place for me".  (Ekaterina Bee)

"Le casette con l'erba sul tetto le ho viste sia alle Fær Øer che in Islanda. Queste casette sono proprio particolari, mi piacerebbe vivere in una casetta così, per poi arrampicarmi sul tetto e giocare lì con la mia gattina Briciola!" (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, travelling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"I saw the houses with grass on the roof, the turf roof houses, both in the Faroe Islands and in Iceland. These little houses are really special, I'd like to live in a little house like this, and then climb on the roof and play there with my kitten Briciola". (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"Alle Fær Øer ho visto tante spiagge e ho camminato sulla sabbia, che era piena di conchiglie. Faceva caldo ed era strano, ma non tanto da fare il bagno perchè sono freddolosa". (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"In the Fær Øer I saw many beaches and walked on the sands, which were full of shells. It was hot and strange, but not so much to swim because I'm sensitive to cold".  (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"Era bellissimo passeggiare sulle spiagge, dove eravamo quasi sempre soli. Ogni tanto spuntavano delle pecore e ci guardavano! Adoro le pecore, sono tra i miei animali preferiti e alle Fær Øer erano ovunque ed era bellissimo". (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep

"It was great to walk on the beaches, where we were almost always alone. Sometimes a few sheep come out and look at us! I love sheep, they are among my favorite animals and in the Fær Øer they were everywhere and it was amazing".  (Ekaterina Bee)

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee,sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep, Alessandro Bee
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, Alessandro Bee, sheep


Il nome Fær Øer significa letteralmente "isole delle pecore". Alle Fær Øer il numero di questi ovini, che sono ovunque, supera di gran lunga quello degli abitanti.

La pecora faroese è una razza di pecora originaria di queste isole, dove furono introdotte per la prima volta nel IX secolo.

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, drawing, sheep

Le pecore faroesi sono state a lungo parte integrante delle tradizioni dell'isola, come testimonia l'antico detto faroese “Ull er Føroya gull” ("La lana è l'oro delle Fær Øer")

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep


The name Fær Øer literally means "islands of the sheep". In the Fær Øer the number of the sheep, which are everywhere, far exceeds the number of inhabitants The Faroese sheep is a breed of sheep native to these islands, where they were first introduced in the 9th century.

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

The Faroese sheep have long been an integral part of the traditions of the island, as evidenced by the ancient Faroese saying “Ull er Føroya gull” ("Wool is the gold of the Fær Øer").

FÆR ØER, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, Alessandro Bee, sheep
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