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jewels of the north

photos by Alessandro Bee

videos by Tatiana Kondakova

 arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, winter

La volpe artica (Vulpes lagopus) è uno degli animali più graziosi del grande nord. Perfettamente adattata agli ambienti artici e subartici, è l'unico mammifero predatore autoctono dell'Islanda.

The arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is one of the cutiest animals in the great north. Perfectly adapted to arctic and subarctic environments, it is the only autochthonous predatory mammal in Iceland.

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, winter

"Il luogo in Islanda dove abbiamo visto le volpi artiche era molto, molto selvaggio.

Era desolato e c’era solo un piccolo villaggio con una locanda dove abbiamo mangiato una zuppetta ottima. Il vento era forte e il posto bellissimo.


I grandi spazi della natura selvaggia sono spettacolari, sembrava di essere in un documentario".

(Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"The place in Iceland where we saw arctic foxes was very, very wild. It was desolate and there was only a small village with an inn where we ate a very tasty soup. The wind was strong and the place beautiful.


The large landscapes of wild nature are amazing, when I was there it seemed to be in a documentary".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Ho avuto la fortuna di vedere un cucciolo di volpe artica piccolo piccolo, da vicino. Era una femminuccia, ci ha detto la guida. L’ho chiamata Erica. Ho un ricordo dolcissimo di lei".

(Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"I was lucky to see a small, young Arctic fox cub very closely. It was a female, the guide told us. I called her Erica. I have a very sweet memory of her".  (Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Le volpi artiche hanno un musetto tenerissimo. In qualche modo mi ricordano la mia gattina, anche se sono delle volpi! Una in particolare mi ricordava la mia gattina Briciola, perché era nera con delle sfumatura bianche". (Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Arctic foxes have a very cute face. Somehow they remind me of my kitten, even if they are foxes! One in particular reminded me of my Briciola kitten, because it was black with white spots".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Sono bellissime le case con l'erba sul tetto!"

(Ekaterina Bee)

"The houses with the grass on the roof are amazing!"

(Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Il giorno in cui ho visto le volpi artiche faceva freddo e c’era un vento forte che andava e veniva. Ma le volpine non pativano il freddo, anzi, sembrava che a loro piacesse. Erano protette da un pelo morbido e folto". (Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"The day I saw the arctic foxes it was cold and there was a strong wind. But the foxes did not suffer from the cold, on the contrary, they seemed to like it. They were well protected by a soft and thick fur". (Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, drawing, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Le volpi sono tra i miei animali preferiti. Sia le volpi artiche che le volpi rosse e i tenerissimi fennec, le volpine del deserto". (Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter

"Foxes are among my favorite animals. Either the arctic foxes,the red foxes or the cute fennec, the desert foxes".  (Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter


Le volpi sono animali intelligenti e molto adattabili. Le volpi artiche sono più piccole delle volpi rosse e mutano il pelo con il variare delle stagioni: bianco in inverno e grigio scuro in estate, per meglio mimetizzarsi,

Il fennec, o volpe del deserto, è invece perfettamente adattato agli ambienti desertici, con le sue grandi orecchie e il pelo color sabbia.

Ekaterina Bee, drawing, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
fennec, desert fox, arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
drawing, Ekaterina Bee, fennec, red fox,arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter


Foxes are intelligent and highly adaptable animals. Arctic foxes are smaller than red foxes and change their fur as seasons change: white in winter and dark gray in summer, to better camouflaging.

The fennec, or desert fox, is instead perfectly adapted to desert environments, with its large ears and sandy-colored fur.

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter


Una volpe artica  ha compiuto il  uno dei più lunghi viaggi mai osservati per un esemplare di questa specie, percorrendo più di 3.500 km in soli 76 giorni.


Gli scienziati del Norvegian Polar Institute, che hanno seguito la sua migrazione grazie a un collare GPS, non riuscivano a credere al tracciato: la volpe ha lasciato le isole Svalbard, nell'artico norvegese, il 26 marzo 2018, e dopo 21 giorni e 1.512 km sul ghiaccio marino, ha raggiunto la Groenlandia il 16 aprile. Da qui ha ha poi proseguito per l'isola di Ellesmere, in Canada, che ha raggiunto il 10 giugno.

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter


An arctic fox has made one of the longest journeys ever observed for an animal of this species, covering more than 3,500 km in just 76 days.


Scientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute, who followed his migration thanks to a GPS collar, could not believe the track: the fox left the Svalbard islands, in the Norwegian Arctic, on March 26, 2018, and after 21 days and 1,512 km on sea ice, reached Greenland on April 16. From here the arctic fox then continued on to the island of Ellesmere, in Canada, that was he reached on June 10th.

arctic fox, arctic, iceland, norway,  northern fjords, summer, winter
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