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Chasing the northern lights

"fox fires" and winter nights

photos by Alessandro Bee

videos by Giovanni Bee

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

L'aurora boreale è un fenomeno naturale misterioso, che da sempre affascina gli uomini. Imprevedibile, appare di solito nelle notti più fredde...

The northern lights are a mysterious natural phenomenon that has always fascinated humans. Unpredictable, they usually appear on the coldest nights...

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"La sera dell'escursione c'era una tempesta di neve sui fiordi norvegesi.

Era molto elegante vedere la neve scendere forte, ma era da brivido".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"On the evening of the excursion there was a huge snowstorm on the Norwegian fjords. It was very elegant to see the snow falling down but, as the snowstorm was very big, it was thrilling".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter
northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"Non avevamo quasi nessuna speranza di vederla. Ero un po' triste e assonnata. Ma la guida ha iniziato a guidare e ancora a guidare, e dopo quasi 3 ore ci siamo ritrovati in Finlandia".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"We had almost no hope of seeing her. I was a little sad and sleepy. But the guide started driving and still driving, and after almost 3 hours we found ourselves in Finland".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"Ci siamo fermati, nevicava ancora un po', ma abbiamo iniziato a vedere alcune stelle. Incredibile! Non avrei mai pensato che il cielo si aprisse. Faceva molto freddo e c'erano quasi -20°. Abbiamo acceso un fuoco e mangiato qualche dolcetto".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"We stopped, it was still snowing a bit, but we started seeing stars. Unbelievable! I never thought that the sky would open. It was very cold and it was almost -20 °. We lit a fire and ate some sweets".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"Qualche minuto dopo abbiamo iniziato a vedere delle luci verdi nel cielo, sempre più forti. Era meraviglioso. Sembrava che danzassero nel cielo. C'erano anche tantissime stelle".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"A few minutes later we started seeing green lights in the sky, getting stronger and stronger. It was wonderful. They seemed to dance in the sky. There were also tons of stars".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter
Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"Mi ha colpito tantissimo il movimento dell'aurora boreale, che cambiava forma continuamente. Sembrava una delicata danza tra luci e stelle".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter

"I was very impressed by the movement of the northern lights, which changed shape continuously. It seemed like a delicate dance between lights and stars".

(Ekaterina Bee)

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter


In tempi antichi un mito narrava che le aurore fossero create da volpi che correvano sulla tundra, emettendo scintille.


Nella lingua finlandese, l’aurora boreale è chiamata revontulet, termine che tradotto letteralmente significa “fuochi della volpe”.

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter


In bygone days, people believed that the auroras were created by foxes running over the tundra emitting sparks.


In the Finnish language, the Northern Lights are called revontulet, a term that literally translated means "fox fires".

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter
drawing, Ekaterina Bee, northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter


L'aurora può manifestarsi anche nell'emisfero australe, a sud dell'Equatore. In quel caso si chiama aurora australe.


È meno conosciuta e si vede più raramente, ma solo per il fatto che i luoghi dove poterla osservare (per es. l'Antartide) sono molto più difficilmente accessibili rispetto a quelli per vedere l'aurora boreale.

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter


The northern lights can also occur in the southern hemisphere, south of the equator. In that case it is called the australis aurora, or southern lights.


It is less known and it's seen more rarely, but only because the places where you can observe it (for example Antarctica) are much more difficult to access than those to see the Northern Lights.

northern lights, arctic fox, arctic, reindeer, norway, orca, tromso, skjervoy,  northern fjords, humpback, whale, winter
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