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Northern islands 

wild Iceland and Fær Øer

photos by Alessandro Bee

videos by Ekaterina Bee and Stefano Tatti

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

Situate nell'Oceano Atlantico settentrionale, al di sotto del Circolo Polare Artico, l'Islanda e le Fær Øer sono isole di origine vulcanica.

Located in the North Atlantic Ocean, below the Arctic Circle, Iceland and Fær Øer are islands of volcanic origin.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

L'Islanda e le Fær Øer sono luoghi selvaggi e incontaminati.

Isole scolpite e modellate dalle forze del mare, del cielo e della Terra.

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

Iceland and Fær Øer are wild and unspoiled places.

They are islands Islands sculpted and shaped by the forces of the sea, the sky and the Earth.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east Iceland

L'Islanda è la terra dei ghiacciai, che ricoprono ampie aree del Paese. Negli ultimi anni si è accentuato sempre di più  il fenomeno della riduzione delle superfici dei ghiacciai, in Islanda così come in altre zone del Mondo. È una delle gravi e pericolose conseguenze del riscaldamento climatico.

ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east IcelandIceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east Iceland,Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east Iceland Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east Iceland,Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

Iceland is the land of glaciers, which cover large areas of the country. In recent years the phenomenon of the reduction of glacier surfaces has increased more and more, in Iceland as well as in other areas of the world. It is one of the serious and dangerous consequences of global warming.

ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east IcelandIceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
arctic tern, ice, ice lagoon, glacier, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, ceberg, iceland, Jökulsárlón lagoon, arctic, arctic tern, blue ice, diamond beach, seal, east IcelandIceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

La sterna artica compie la più lunga migrazione animale mai documentata, dall'estate del Polo Nord a quella del Polo Sud e ritorno, per un totale di circa 96.000 km in un anno.


Si calcola che nell'arco della sua vita una sterna artica possa volare anche per 3.000.000 di km, una distanza pari a 4 volte il viaggio di andata e ritorno dalla Terra alla Luna!

arctic tern, Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

The arctic tern makes the longest animal migration ever documented, from the summer of the North Pole to the summer of South Pole and back, for a total of about 96,000 km in a year.


It is estimated that an arctic tern can fly for 3,000,000 km over its life, a distance equal to 4 times the round trip from Earth to the Moon.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

Il termine Fær Øer significa letteralmente "isole delle pecore".

Alle Fær Øer il numero di questi ovini, che sono ovunque, supera di gran lunga quello degli abitanti.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

The words Fær Øer literally mean "islands of the sheep". In the Fær Øer the number of these sheep, which are everywhere, far exceed the number of inhabitants.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

L'Islanda è la terra della cascate, che sono onnipresenti e che ne scolpiscono il paesaggio. Alcune sono particolarmente iconiche e sugegstive, per la loro potenza e bellezza.

Iceland is the land of the waterfalls, which are everywhere and sculpt the landscapes. Some are particularly iconic and suggestive, for their huge power and beauty.

Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

Secondo un'antica leggenda in una caverna dietro alla cascata

di Skogafoss sarebbe nascosto un tesoro di monete d'oro. Il loro riflesso dorato sarebbe ancora visibile nelle giornate in cui i raggi del sole illuminano la cascata.

Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

According to an ancient legend in a cave behind the waterfall of Skogafoss would be hidden a treasure of gold coins. Their golden reflection would still be visible on days when the sun's rays illuminate the waterfall.

Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"I paesaggi incontaminati delle isole del nord sono unici e insostituibili. Sembrano simili, ma ogni volta c'è un qualcosa di unico e diverso".

(Ekaterina Bee)

arctic fox, Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
arctic fox, Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"The unspoiled landscapes of the northern islands are unique and irreplaceable. They look similar, but each time there is something unique and different".  (Ekaterina Bee)

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I pulcinella di mare (Fratercula arctica) trascorrono circa 8 mesi l'anno nelle acque dell'Oceano Atlantico, per poi nidificare in primavera sulle coste. Tornano ogni anno allo stesso nido e mantengono lo stesso partner.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) spend about 8 months a year in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, nesting on the coasts in spring. They return to the same nest every year and keep the same partner.

FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep

Le acque dell'Islanda sono ricche di vita e sono numerosi i mammiferi marini che le abitano. Oltre a orche e balene, è possibile incontrare anche vari tipi di foche, tra cui la foca grigia (Halichoerus grypus).

Iceland's waters are rich in life and there are numerous marine mammals that inhabit them. In addition to orcas and whales, various species of seals can also be encountered, including the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus).

grey seal, Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

L'Islanda è terra di vulcani e di sorgenti termali, di maestosi cavalli e di laguna dalle delicate sfumature pastello.

arctic fox, Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

Iceland is a land of volcanoes and thermal springs, a land of majestic horses and lagoons with delicate pastel colours.

 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
 Iceland, ice lagoon, glacier, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
FÆR ØER, Mykines, puffins, traveling with daddy,Faroe Island, northern island, Iceland, Ekaterina Bee, puffin, fratercula arctica, sheep
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