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Northern wings 

eagles and gulls from northern fjords

photos by Alessandro Bee

videos by Tatiana Kondakova

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

I fiordi della Norvegia sono uno dei luoghi migliori per osservare una delle specie più iconiche d'Europa: l'aquila di mare dalla coda bianca (Haliaeetus albicilla).

The fjords of Norway are one of the best places

to observe one of the most iconic European species: the white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla).

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

L'aquila di mare dalla coda bianca, con i suoi circa 2,4 m di apertura alare, è la specie di aquila più grande del nostro continente.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

The white-tailed sea eagle, with its approximately 2.4 m wingspan, is the largest eagle on our continent.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

Dopo essersi quasi estinta negli  anni Ottanta, grazie alle politiche  di conservazione e protezione, la popolazione di aquile di mare è stata protagonista di un importante recupero. Ad oggi vivono nell'Europa centro-settentrionale oltre 24.000 esemplari adulti.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

After almost extinction in the 1980s, thanks to conservation and protection efforts, the population of sea eagles has undergone an important recovery. To date more than 24,000 adults live in central-northern Europe.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

I lunghi e possenti artigli dell'aquila di mare, affilati come rasoi, si stringono sul corpo della preda. Dotate di una vista acutissima, le aquile riescono a distinguere le loro prede da molto lontano, anche da altezze elevate.

The long and powerful claws of the sea eagle, sharp like razors,  tighten on the body of the prey. Equipped with an amazing view, the eagles manage to see their prey from far away, even from high heights.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

"Illuminati dal sole o avvolti dalla nebbia e da nuvole basse, i fiordi norvegesi fanno venire alla memoria racconti di tempi antichi, tra gnomi e troll, mostri marini e imponenti  aquile di mare".

(Ekaterina e Alessandro Bee)

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

"Illuminated by the sun or enveloped by fog and low clouds, the Norwegian fjords bring to mind tales of ancient times, with gnomes and trolls, sea monsters and imperial sea eagles".

(Ekaterina and Alessandro Bee)

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

Oltre alle aquile di mare i veri protagonisti dei fiordi norvegesi sono i gabbiani, che colorano di macchie bianche il cielo e il mare.

Besides sea eagles, the real stars of the Norwegian fjords are the seagulls, coloring the sky and the sea with their white feathers.

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

"Fin dall'inizio mi sono piaciuti i gabbiani che volavano sopra la nostra barca, anche se il viaggio era per osservare le aquile di mare. Erano così tanti e così vicini! Non avrei mai immaginato di poter vincere un premio al concorso Wildlife Photographer of the Year del NHM di Londra!  Ora gabbiani sono tra i miei animali preferiti!" (Ekaterina Bee)

Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords

"Since the beginning I liked the seagulls that flew over our boat, even if the trip was to observe white-tailed sea eagles. They were so many and so close!

I never imagined I could win an award at the NHM Wildlife Photographerof the Year competition in London! Now seagulls are among my

favorite animals!"  (Ekaterina Bee)

Ekaterina Bee, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, NHM, Natural History Museum London, WPY, Winner, under 10 years, In the grip of the gulls, Flatanger, Norway, Trondelag

Photo by Ekaterina Bee

Ekaterina Bee, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, NHM, Natural History Museum London, WPY, Winner, under 10 years, In the grip of the gulls, Flatanger, Norway, Trondelag
Ekaterina Bee, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, NHM, Natural History Museum London, WPY, Winner, under 10 years, In the grip of the gulls, Flatanger, Norway, Trondelag
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
Flatanger, Trondelag, Norway, white-tailed sea eagle, herring gull, Ekaterina Bee, traveling with daddy, Alessandro Bee, eagleman, norway nature, fjords
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