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WILD WATERS of Iceland 

waterfalls, geyser and hot springs

photos by Ekaterina and Alessandro Bee
videos by Stefano Tatti

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

L'Islanda è una terra selvaggia di vulcani e cascate, geyser e rocce basaltiche modellate dai venti e dalle onde dell'Oceano.

Un luogo dalla bellezza primordiale, di spiagge nere e cascate impetuose...

Iceland is a wild land of volcanoes and waterfalls, geysers and basaltic rocks shaped by the winds and waves of the ocean. A place of primordial beauty, black beaches and impetuous waterfalls...

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

"In Islanda ho provato un forte senso di libertà. Mi sono arrampicata sulle rocce basaltiche, mi sono rotolata sulla sabbia nera, ho visto cascate incredibilmente potenti e ho visto colori della natura fondersi gli uni con gli altri, come il nero  della sabbia, il bianco delle onde e il blu dell'acqua. O le tante tonalità di rosso e arancione e giallo delle sorgenti calde. Che bella è la natura!"

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

"In Iceland I felt a strong sense of freedom. I climbed the basaltic rocks, rolled over the black sand, saw incredibly powerful waterfalls and saw colors of nature blending with each other, like the black of the sand, the white of the waves and the blue of the water. Or the many shades of red and orange and yellow of the hot springs. How beautiful is the nature!"

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses
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Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

"In Islanda ci sono tantissime cascate. Alcune sono piccole,altre alte e sottili, alcune sembrano quelle delle fiabe, altre sono enormi e potentissime. E anche il colore dell'acqua è diverso. Prima non era mai stata tanto interessata alle cascate, ma quelle islandesi sono proprio magnifiche". (Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

"In Iceland there are many waterfalls. Some are small, others tall and thin, some seem to be fairytale ones, others are huge and very powerful. And the color of the water is also so different. Never, in the past, I was very interested in waterfalls, but Icelandic ones are just magnificent".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, icelandic horses

"Quella dei geyser è stata in assoluto una delle mie zone preferite dell’Islanda. Facevano una bolla che durava mezzo secondo e poi l’acqua sembrava esplodere in alto e diventava enorme. Sembrava di essere piccoli come delle formiche al confronto". (Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"Geysers were one of my favorite areas in Iceland. They made a bubble that lasted half a second and then the water seemed to explode at the top and became huge. It seemed that we were as small as ants in comparison".  (Ekaterina Bee)

"La spiaggia di Vik era fantastica per i sassolini che facevavo il massaggio ai piedi! Era strano vedere una spiaggia così nera dopo aver visto spiagge bianche o rosa. Non sapevo ci fossero anche spiagge nere.


Mi sono tolta le scarpe e ho iniziato a camminare e correre sulla spiaggia. Lanciavo i sassolini neri in aria e poi è stato divertente arrampicarsi sugli esagoni di basalto. E mi sono arrampicata molto in alto".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"Vik beach was fantastic for the pebbles making feet massage! It was strange to see such a black beach after having seen previously white or pink beaches. I didn't know there were even black beaches.

I took off my shoes and started walking and running on the beach. I threw the black pebbles into the air and then it was funny to climb the basalt hexagons. And I climbed very high".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"Le cascate erano potenti e impetuose. Sembrava che mi cadessero in testa! Poi mi sono messa le calosce per camminare nel fiume.

Lì vicino c'era anche un museo bellissimo lo consiglio a tutti Ricreava gli ambienti dove vivevano i vichinghi, era bellissimo".
(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"The falls were powerful and impetuous. It seemed they fall on my head! Then I put on my rubber boots to walk in the river.


Nearby there was also a beautiful museum.I recommend it to everyone. It recreated the time when the Vikings lived, it was beautiful".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses

"Delle sorgenti termali mi hanno colpito molto l'odore di zolfo, che un po' puzzava, i colori del terreno, l'acqua che ribolle. Il terreno sembra proprio vivo.

In Islanda si vedono bene le forze della natura che creano i paesaggi". (Ekaterina Bee)

"Hot springs impressed me very much for the smell of sulfur (which smelled a little bit), the colors of the ground, the boiling water.

The ground seems to be really alive.

In Iceland, the forces of nature creating landscapes are clearly visible".

(Ekaterina Bee)

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses


L'Islanda è la terra dell'acqua, che si presenta in tutte le sue forme.

Dai ghiacciai perenni e imponenti degli altipiani scorre verso l'Oceano, creando fiumi e innumerevoli cascate. Oppure l'acqua fuoriesce impetuosa sotto forma di geyser o in sorgenti termali.

In Islanda si possono contare oltre diecimila cascate, dalle più piccole ad alcune tra le più imponenti d'Europa, come la maestosa  Dettifoss, nel nord del Paese.

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses


Iceland is the land of water, which appears in all its forms.

From the perennial and huge glaciers of the highlands it flows towards the ocean, creating rivers and countless waterfalls. Or the water rushes out in the form of a geyser or in thermal springs.

In Iceland there are over ten thousand waterfalls, from the smallest to some of the most impressive in Europe, such as the majestic Dettifoss, in the north of the country.

Iceland, traveling with daddy, Ekaterina Bee, Alessandro Bee, Skogafoss, blue lagoon, waterfall, geyser, icelandic horses
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